Janssen en Janssen aan zee
8400 Oostende
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+1.31%3 months
+3.13%1 year
+4.2%2 years
+5.48%5 years
+19.72%10 years
+28.51%Source : Immoweb data
8400 Oostende
8400 Oostende
10 properties for sale in the area
8400 Oostende
25 properties for sale in the area
The average price per m² in Oostende for all types of real estate is €2,601, all types of property combined.
The price for an apartment in Oostende can vary between €2,061 and €4,325 depending on the zone in which you wish to make a purchase.
The houses have a lower price per m² in Oostende: €2,039 average (the price fluctuates between €1,421 and €2,932). This gives a difference of -31.18 % compared to apartments.
Street | Average price by m² |
Price m2 Albert I-Promenade | €3,153 |
Price m2 Visserskaai | €3,012 |
Price m2 Zeedijk | €2,979 |
Price m2 Hofstraat | €2,940 |
Price m2 Vindictivelaan | €2,845 |
Price m2 Kemmelbergstraat | €2,833 |
Price m2 Karel Janssenslaan | €2,820 |
Price m2 Kapucijnenstraat | €2,806 |
Price m2 Hertstraat | €2,770 |
Price m2 Langestraat | €2,755 |
Street | Average price by m² |
Price m2 Wagenstraat | €1,963 |
Price m2 Wezellaan | €1,968 |
Price m2 Kapittelstraat | €1,975 |
Price m2 Graanmolenstraat | €1,985 |
Price m2 Floralaan | €1,996 |
Price m2 Boomgaardlaan | €2,000 |
Price m2 Ernest Claeslaan | €2,001 |
Price m2 Kasteelstraat | €2,020 |
Price m2 Egellaan | €2,022 |
Price m2 Stationsstraat | €2,041 |
City | Average price by m² |
Price m2 Bredene | €2,338 |
Price m2 De Haan | €3,015 |
Price m2 Diksmuide | €1,909 |
Price m2 Gistel | €1,931 |
Price m2 Ichtegem | €1,713 |
Price m2 Jabbeke | €2,088 |
Price m2 Middelkerke | €3,025 |
Price m2 Nieuwpoort | €4,389 |
Price m2 Oudenburg | €1,885 |
Price m2 Zande | €1,762 |
Demographic data | 71.647 |
Population growth (2000 - 2020) | 6% |
Median age | 50 |
Number of inhabitants younger than 25 years | 22,55% |
Population density (number of inhabitants per km²) | 1.75 |
Surface (in km²) | 41 |
Number of households (status 1/1/2020) | 38.816 |
Average taxable income per household (2018) | € 49.534 |
Buildings with apartments (housing units) | 60,80% |
Terraced houses (housing units) | 29,10% |
Semi-detached houses (housing units) | 5,30% |
Detached houses (housing units) | 4,90% |
Buildings with apartments (number of buildings) | 16,40% |
Terraced houses (number of buildings) | 58,50% |
Semi-detached houses (number of buildings) | 13,00% |
Detached houses (number of buildings) | 12,10% |
Real estate classifieds in Oostende
3 bdr. 121 m²
8400 Oostende
4 bdr. 219 m²
8400 Oostende
3 bdr. 199 m²
8400 Oostende
3 bdr. 172 m²
8400 Oostende
2 bdr. 74 m²
8400 Oostende