Found & Baker West-Vlaanderen
8000 Brugge
28 properties for sale in the area
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Estimate your property1 month
-0.83%3 months
-2.18%1 year
-0.9%2 years
-0.01%5 years
+26.05%10 years
+37.83%Source : Immoweb data
8000 Brugge
28 properties for sale in the area
8000 Brugge
10 properties for sale in the area
8000 Brugge
8000 Brugge
8000 Brugge
29 properties for sale in the area
The average price per m² in Brugge for all types of real estate is €2,459, all types of property combined.
The price for an apartment in Brugge can vary between €2,274 and €4,222 depending on the zone in which you wish to make a purchase.
The houses have a lower price per m² in Brugge: €2,238 average (the price fluctuates between €1,610 and €3,117). This gives a difference of -26.11 % compared to apartments.
Street | Average price by m² |
Price m2 Zeedijk | €4,025 |
Price m2 Zilverstraat | €3,499 |
Price m2 Spinolarei | €3,465 |
Price m2 Academiestraat | €3,453 |
Price m2 Brusselstraat | €3,436 |
Price m2 Markt | €3,406 |
Price m2 Sint-Amandsstraat | €3,400 |
Price m2 Vlamingstraat | €3,398 |
Price m2 Spiegelrei | €3,365 |
Price m2 Steenstraat | €3,340 |
Street | Average price by m² |
Price m2 Sint-Lenardsstraat | €2,011 |
Price m2 Dudzeels Neerhof | €2,115 |
Price m2 Krekenstraat | €2,124 |
Price m2 Dorpsplein | €2,128 |
Price m2 Damse Steenweg | €2,134 |
Price m2 Kerselarenstraat | €2,151 |
Price m2 Burgemeester de Croeserstraat | €2,155 |
Price m2 Zwaanhofstraat | €2,173 |
Price m2 Herdersbruggestraat | €2,186 |
Price m2 Vorkstraat | €2,220 |
City | Average price by m² |
Price m2 Beernem | €2,012 |
Price m2 Blankenberge | €2,558 |
Price m2 Damme | €2,281 |
Price m2 Jabbeke | €2,088 |
Price m2 Knokke-Heist | €6,324 |
Price m2 Oostkamp | €2,093 |
Price m2 Torhout | €1,778 |
Price m2 Wingene | €1,928 |
Price m2 Zedelgem | €1,945 |
Price m2 Zuienkerke | €2,049 |
Demographic data | 118.656 |
Population growth (2000 - 2020) | 2% |
Median age | 46 |
Number of inhabitants younger than 25 years | 24,17% |
Population density (number of inhabitants per km²) | 842 |
Surface (in km²) | 141 |
Number of households (status 1/1/2020) | 55.389 |
Average taxable income per household (2018) | € 57.458 |
Buildings with apartments (housing units) | 28,30% |
Terraced houses (housing units) | 39,00% |
Semi-detached houses (housing units) | 18,30% |
Detached houses (housing units) | 14,40% |
Buildings with apartments (number of buildings) | 5,20% |
Terraced houses (number of buildings) | 50,60% |
Semi-detached houses (number of buildings) | 24,60% |
Detached houses (number of buildings) | 19,60% |
Real estate classifieds in Brugge
3 bdr. 152 m²
8300 Knokke-Heist
2 bdr. 84 m²
8301 Heist-aan-Zee
2 bdr. 80 m²
8301 Heist-aan-Zee
4 bdr. 240 m²
8200 Sint-Michiels
3 bdr. 184 m²
8200 Sint-Andries