De Boer & Partners Turnhout
2300 Turnhout
95 properties for sale in the area
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Estimate your property1 month
-0.56%3 months
-2.04%1 year
-1.82%2 years
-3.4%5 years
+15.39%10 years
+26.28%Source : Immoweb data
2300 Turnhout
95 properties for sale in the area
The average price per m² in Turnhout for all types of real estate is €2,070, all types of property combined.
The price for an apartment in Turnhout can vary between €1,456 and €3,331 depending on the zone in which you wish to make a purchase.
The houses have a lower price per m² in Turnhout: €1,971 average (the price fluctuates between €1,204 and €2,991). This gives a difference of -10.81 % compared to apartments.
City | Average price by m² |
Price m2 Baarle-Hertog | €2,335 |
Price m2 Beerse | €2,191 |
Price m2 Geel | €2,109 |
Price m2 Herentals | €2,223 |
Price m2 Kasterlee | €2,130 |
Price m2 Lille | €2,095 |
Price m2 Merksplas | €2,171 |
Price m2 Oud-Turnhout | €2,134 |
Price m2 Ravels | €2,119 |
Price m2 Vosselaar | €2,168 |
Real estate classifieds in Turnhout
3 bdr. 110 m²
2300 Turnhout
4 bdr. 196 m²
2300 Turnhout
2 bdr. 103 m²
2300 Turnhout
2 bdr. 90 m²
2300 Turnhout
3 bdr. 157 m²
2350 Vosselaar