Real estate price in Fourons (City)
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Estimate your propertyReal estate price evolution in Fourons (City)
1 month
+0.68%3 months
+2.94%1 year
+3.77%2 years
+8.92%5 years
+21.02%10 years
+43.26%Source : Immoweb data
Fourons: property prices in detail
The average price per m² in Fourons for all types of real estate is €2,315, all types of property combined.
Price per m² for an apartment
The price for an apartment in Fourons can vary between €2,017 and €3,053 depending on the zone in which you wish to make a purchase.
Price per m² for a house
The houses have a lower price per m² in Fourons: €2,306 average (the price fluctuates between €1,247 and €3,852). This gives a difference of -4.75 % compared to apartments.
City | Average price by m² |
Price m2 Aubel | €2,074 |
Price m2 Bassenge | €1,723 |
Price m2 Blegny | €1,766 |
Price m2 La Calamine | €1,686 |
Price m2 Liège | €1,953 |
Price m2 Oupeye | €1,784 |
Price m2 Plombières | €1,771 |
Price m2 Riemst | €1,830 |
Price m2 Saint-André | €1,867 |
Price m2 Visé | €1,849 |
Real estate classifieds in this area
Real estate classifieds in Fourons
3 bdr. 146 m²
4600 Vise
3 bdr. 146 m²
4600 Vise
2 bdr. 104 m²
3790 Voeren
2 bdr. 54 m²
4681 Hermalle-sous-Argenteau
3 bdr. 136 m²
3790 Sint-Martens-Voeren