Wolff Real Estate
9000 Gent
8 properties for sale in the area
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Estimate your property1 month
+0.83%3 months
+1.92%1 year
+0.64%2 years
+2.35%5 years
+13.11%10 years
+34.44%Source : Immoweb data
9000 Gent
8 properties for sale in the area
9000 Gent
35 properties for sale in the area
9000 Gent
8 properties for sale in the area
9000 Gent
8 properties for sale in the area
9000 Gent
1 property for sale in the area
The average price per m² in Gent for all types of real estate is €3,047, all types of property combined.
The price for an apartment in Gent can vary between €2,602 and €4,660 depending on the zone in which you wish to make a purchase.
The houses have a lower price per m² in Gent: €2,751 average (the price fluctuates between €2,002 and €3,699). This gives a difference of -20.45 % compared to apartments.
Street | Average price by m² |
Price m2 Vogelmarkt | €5,085 |
Price m2 Hooiaard | €4,783 |
Price m2 Koestraat | €4,739 |
Price m2 Ursulinenstraat | €4,650 |
Price m2 Kouter | €4,636 |
Price m2 Koophandelsplein | €4,632 |
Price m2 Kortedagsteeg | €4,621 |
Price m2 Schouwburgstraat | €4,602 |
Price m2 Lievekaai | €4,534 |
Price m2 Sint-Niklaasstraat | €4,532 |
Street | Average price by m² |
Price m2 Desteldonkdorp | €2,024 |
Price m2 Nokerstraat | €2,064 |
Price m2 Karel Bauwensstraat | €2,075 |
Price m2 Spanjeveerstraat | €2,095 |
Price m2 Terdonkplein | €2,104 |
Price m2 Gustaaf Van Heckelaan | €2,109 |
Price m2 Albert De Smetstraat | €2,132 |
Price m2 Moleneinde | €2,136 |
Price m2 Barkstraat | €2,147 |
Price m2 Langerbruggekaai | €2,148 |
City | Average price by m² |
Price m2 De Pinte | €2,907 |
Price m2 Deinze | €2,398 |
Price m2 Destelbergen | €2,720 |
Price m2 Evergem | €2,278 |
Price m2 Lievegem | €2,306 |
Price m2 Lochristi | €2,585 |
Price m2 Melle | €2,543 |
Price m2 Merelbeke | €2,651 |
Price m2 Saint-Martens-Latem | €4,124 |
Price m2 Zelzate | €1,956 |
Demographic data | 263.927 |
Population growth (2000 - 2020) | 18% |
Median age | 37 |
Number of inhabitants younger than 25 years | 27,46% |
Population density (number of inhabitants per km²) | 1.673 |
Surface (in km²) | 158 |
Number of households (status 1/1/2020) | 120.853 |
Average taxable income per household (2018) | € 56.580 |
Buildings with apartments (housing units) | 41,80% |
Terraced houses (housing units) | 40,50% |
Semi-detached houses (housing units) | 8,80% |
Detached houses (housing units) | 8,80% |
Buildings with apartments (number of buildings) | 8,20% |
Terraced houses (number of buildings) | 61,70% |
Semi-detached houses (number of buildings) | 15,00% |
Detached houses (number of buildings) | 15,10% |
Real estate classifieds in Gent
2 bdr. 85 m²
4 bdr. 198 m²
9000 Gent
1 bdr. 65 m²
9040 Sint-amandsberg
2 bdr. 165 m²
9920 Lievegem
3 bdr. 145 m²