Real estate price in Kortenberg (City)
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Estimate your propertyReal estate price evolution in Kortenberg (City)
1 month
+1.1%3 months
+2.51%1 year
+2.97%2 years
+2.68%5 years
+12.27%10 years
+28.1%Source : Immoweb data
Kortenberg: property prices in detail
The average price per m² in Kortenberg for all types of real estate is €2,766, all types of property combined.
Price per m² for an apartment
The price for an apartment in Kortenberg can vary between €2,260 and €4,317 depending on the zone in which you wish to make a purchase.
Price per m² for a house
The houses have a lower price per m² in Kortenberg: €2,681 average (the price fluctuates between €1,613 and €4,045). This gives a difference of -12.81 % compared to apartments.
City | Average price by m² |
Price m2 Bertem | €2,641 |
Price m2 Brussels City | €3,281 |
Price m2 Evere | €3,068 |
Price m2 Herent | €2,830 |
Price m2 Kampenhout | €2,443 |
Price m2 Machelen | €2,593 |
Price m2 Steenokkerzeel | €2,507 |
Price m2 Tervuren | €3,393 |
Price m2 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert | €3,738 |
Price m2 Zaventem | €2,846 |
Real estate classifieds in this area
Real estate classifieds in Kortenberg
3 bdr. 114 m²
3078 Kortenberg
6 bdr. 420 m²
3078 Kortenberg Meerbeek
4 bdr. 213 m²
3070 Kortenberg
3 bdr. 184 m²
3071 Kortenberg
4 bdr. 500 m²
3070 Kortenberg