Rosiers & De Ridder
9255 Buggenhout
Want to know the value of your home ?
Estimate your property1 month
+0.61%3 months
+2.37%1 year
+1.13%2 years
+4.83%5 years
+19.42%10 years
+28.7%Source : Immoweb data
9255 Buggenhout
9255 Buggenhout
The average price per m² in Buggenhout for all types of real estate is €2,309, all types of property combined.
The price for an apartment in Buggenhout can vary between €1,613 and €3,452 depending on the zone in which you wish to make a purchase.
The houses have a lower price per m² in Buggenhout: €2,249 average (the price fluctuates between €1,236 and €3,668). This gives a difference of -15.74 % compared to apartments.
City | Average price by m² |
Price m2 Aalst | €2,177 |
Price m2 Dendermonde | €2,110 |
Price m2 Hamme | €2,127 |
Price m2 Lebbeke | €2,017 |
Price m2 Lede | €2,035 |
Price m2 Londerzeel | €2,490 |
Price m2 Merchtem | €2,561 |
Price m2 Opwijk | €2,243 |
Price m2 Puurs-Sint-Amands | €2,468 |
Price m2 Zele | €2,115 |
Real estate classifieds in Buggenhout
2 bdr. 84 m²
9200 Dendermonde
2 bdr. 85 m²
9200 Baasrode
2 bdr. 120 m²
9255 Buggenhout
5 bdr. 218 m²
9200 Baasrode (Dendermonde)
4 bdr. 268 m²
9255 Buggenhout