Real estate price in Kuurne (City)
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Estimate your propertyReal estate price evolution in Kuurne (City)
1 month
+0.64%3 months
+0.45%1 year
-1.28%2 years
-2.94%5 years
+7.19%10 years
+19.23%Source : Immoweb data
Kuurne: property prices in detail
The average price per m² in Kuurne for all types of real estate is €1,825, all types of property combined.
Price per m² for an apartment
The price for an apartment in Kuurne can vary between €1,017 and €3,390 depending on the zone in which you wish to make a purchase.
Price per m² for a house
The houses have a lower price per m² in Kuurne: €1,752 average (the price fluctuates between €957 and €3,046). This gives a difference of -20.36 % compared to apartments.
City | Average price by m² |
Price m2 Harelbeke | €1,819 |
Price m2 Kortrijk | €2,090 |
Price m2 Ledegem | €1,702 |
Price m2 Lendelede | €1,840 |
Price m2 Menen | €1,589 |
Price m2 Mouscron | €1,570 |
Price m2 Spiere-Helkijn | €1,682 |
Price m2 Waregem | €2,118 |
Price m2 Wevelgem | €1,798 |
Price m2 Zwevegem | €1,807 |
Real estate classifieds in this area
Real estate classifieds in Kuurne

4 bdr. 237 m²
8520 Kuurne

4 bdr. 202 m²
8520 Kuurne

3 bdr. 171 m²
8500 Kortrijk

3 bdr. 550 m²
8520 Kuurne

2 bdr. 135 m²
8501 Heule