Real estate price in Martelange (City)
Price estimation per m² for 1 December 2024.
Average price per m²
from €878 to €4,289
Confidence indicator :
Average price per m²
from €651 to €2,698
Confidence indicator :
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Estimate your propertyReal estate price evolution in Martelange (City)
1 month
-0.61%3 months
-1.19%1 year
+1.51%2 years
+5.26%5 years
+27.5%10 years
+48.07%Source : Immoweb data
Martelange: property prices in detail
The average price per m² in Martelange for all types of real estate is €1,600, all types of property combined.
Price per m² for an apartment
The price for an apartment in Martelange can vary between €878 and €4,289 depending on the zone in which you wish to make a purchase.
Price per m² for a house
The houses have a lower price per m² in Martelange: €1,533 average (the price fluctuates between €651 and €2,698). This gives a difference of -30.16 % compared to apartments.
City | Average price by m² |
Price m2 Arlon | €2,363 |
Price m2 Attert | €2,104 |
Price m2 Chiny | €1,368 |
Price m2 Étalle | €1,810 |
Price m2 Fauvillers | €1,459 |
Price m2 Habay | €1,845 |
Price m2 Léglise | €1,593 |
Price m2 Neufchâteau | €1,388 |
Price m2 Tintigny | €1,630 |
Price m2 Vaux-sur-Sûre | €1,362 |
Price per m2 of the boroughs of the city of Martelange
Price per m² in biggest Belgian cities
Price m2 Anderlecht
Price m2 Antwerp
Price m2 Arlon
Price m2 Brugge
Price m2 Brussels City
Price m2 Charleroi
Price m2 Etterbeek
Price m2 Forest
Price m2 Ixelles
Price m2 Kortrijk
Price m2 La Louvière
Price m2 Leuven
Price m2 Liège
Price m2 Mons
Price m2 Namur
Price m2 Saint-Gilles
Price m2 Schaerbeek
Price m2 Tournai
Price m2 Uccle
Price m2 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert
Price per m² in the biggest cities of Luxembourg
Price m2 Attert
Price m2 Aubange
Price m2 Bastogne
Price m2 Bertrix
Price m2 Durbuy
Price m2 Étalle
Price m2 Florenville
Price m2 Habay
Price m2 Hotton
Price m2 Léglise
Price m2 Libramont-Chevigny
Price m2 Marche-en-Famenne
Price m2 Messancy
Price m2 Nassogne
Price m2 Neufchâteau
Price m2 Saint-Hubert
Price m2 Vaux-sur-Sûre
Price m2 Vielsalm
Price m2 Virton
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